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A response from FOI!

I received a letter from Lucianna Pharoah written on the 19th August.

"The initial email provided the budget for the relevant IS cots as £71,400. The subsequent analysis of costs covering 2006-2013 represents the actual costs, which were £14,000

This initial budget .. included provision for replacement of desktop and peripheral devices. However during the year, surplus equipment was identified elsewhere..."

Although I am delighted to receive the explanation, this begs some further questions:

1. How on earth were Dorset Police planning to spend the difference (£57,000) on desktop equipment and peripheral devices in order to be able to deliver the course? A perfectly adequate desktop system can be purchased for £500 and a very good printer for £200, a full HD projector and screen about £1500. Indeed, how on earth did Dorset Police even spend £14,000??

2. There is still no progress with the much larger and much more dubious course costs, such as staffing (£522,000) and premises (£153,000), also "back office" and "sees command" (£100,000). Can you confirm if these figures were also incorrect, and whatever they are now claimed to be, please could you explain them.

3. Why, if there is such a simple answer to the question, in which a figure given for a cost turned out to be incorrect, has it taken such a ridiculous, lengthy and costly battle to obtain the explanation?

In any case, this has confirmed that at least one of the costs I was given was incorrect and misleading, and also, how absurd it is, that the Hampshire investigation concluded that there was no misrepresentation, and Martyn Underhill keenly accepted that conclusion, when that conclusion clearly and obviously cannot be reached without an explanation of these absurd claimed costs.